If You Want to Travel in Jogja

Before doing tourism activities in Jogja, you should prepare the following 5 things. This is an important requirement for you who want to travel in Jogja to suit your wishes.

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Backpaker To Joga


Although Jogja is notoriously cheap, but Tour cost budget in Jogja is very important to be prepared. With this budget you can predict how long to stay, what attractions you want to go, what type of hotel we want to live and what transport you will choose later. In addition, this travel cost budget makes your benchmark for travel in Jogja. Do you want to travel comfortably ?? Want backpacker or want a combination of both. So you can prepare mentally before the goal. 


If you have determined the budget cost, then it's time you make a reservation to transport to Jogja. Lots of transportation options, ranging from Bus, Railway, Aircraft, Travel, Car Rental. You just choose according to your comfort and budget for tourism in Jogja. Here are some tips from me to choose Transportation to Jogja. First choice we drop the first choice on the plane first, then we should start looking for promo tickets from several airlines. Because usually if the promo, the price is cheaper than the train ticket price. After promo ticket you do not get, then you just look for train ticket. Class on the train, we adjust to the existing budget. Economy class price between Rp 75.000 - 100.000 (US$ 8). Business Class price between Rp 150.000 - 270.000, Executive Class price between Rp 300.000 - 400.000. You do not have to worry about comfort in economy class though. Because now all the classes on the train have a pretty cool air conditioner. The only difference is the length of the trip and the type of seat. Economy class is very flat and sober, but if the executive class seating is very comfortable and can stretch the legs. If you do not want to use fire kerete, you can choose between using Travel (escorted to destination) or Outer Bus. Travel Jakarta - Jogja usually price between Rp.200.000 - 250.000/pax. You can choose travelnya, there Cipaganti, Bama Patra, Gems, Rama Sakti, etc.. For Jakarta bus Jogja price between Rp 200.000 - 250.000/pax. This option is usually avoided when entering the long holiday season, because the journey is jammed causing unspecified delays. Can be 1 hour - 5 hours (even more). But if it is not a long holiday season, using the Bus is also very comfortable and fun.

Note: Do not forget to directly order back to your home city well. So once the message to Go Home so as not to become a job and forgotten.

Travel To Jogja


Now you choose the destination of tourism in Jogja. Why have to decide before going to Jogja? To make your trip in Jogja more efficient and also to reach more tourist attractions. If you are using a car rental in Jogja, you can consult with them. There are many attractions in Jogja, but I will divide by type or concept of tourism object. The following categories of tours in Jogja.
  • Jogja Temple Tour: Candi Borobudur, Candi Prambanan, Candi Ratu Boko, Candi Plaosan, Candi Mendut, dll
  • History Tour of Jogja: Keraton Ngayogyakarto, Tamansari, Benteng Vredeburg, Museum Kereta Kencana, Museum Jogja Kembali, dll
  • Nature Tourism Jogja : Gua Pindul, Body Rafting Sungai Oyo, Rafting Sungai Elo, Waduksermo Kulonprogo, Kalibiru, Puncak Suroloyo, Gunung Api Purba Nglanggeran, Gunung Merapi Lava Tour, Kaliurang, etc, Sunrise Bukit Situmbu, Ketep Pass Magelang, etc Wisata Pantai Jogja : Parangtritis, Pantai Depok ( west beach ), Pantai Indrayanti / Pantai Krakal / Kukup / Sundak / Sepanjang / Pok Tunggal / Wediombo, Siung ( east  ), etc .
  • Tourism Shopping Jogja: Malioboro, Pasar Beringharjo, Pasar Gabusan (handycraft), Kasongan (kerajinan gerabah), Kotagede (kerajinan perak), Manding (leather), etc.
  • Night Tour in Jogja :  Alun -alun selatan, malioboro, titik 0 km jogja, tugu jogja, bukit bintang, taman lampion, dll 

Travel In Jogja


The next step is to make reservations for Hotels in Jogja. If you are entering a long vacation, do not expect you to enjoy the comfort of staying at your dream hotel. Because although the hotel in Jogja very much, but the demand is also very much, so if the long vacation, they often run out of rooms. So ... As soon as possible you make a reservation at the Hotel of your choice. Hotel in Jogja consists of Hotel Jasmine and Star Hotel. For jasmine hotels in Yogyakarta is also very comfortable and also safe if you want to travel with the system Save Package. You list cheap hotels in malioboro you can see my article on List of Cheap Hotels in Malioboro Jogja. While the Star hotel is also very much, ranging from Rp 400.000 - 1.000.000 (US$ 72) per night. Hotel in Jogja is also very much and spread throughout the region of Yogyakarta, but Jogja has 2 Hospitality Center, namely in Malioboro and also Prawirotaman. Hotels in Malioboro of course be the choice of almost all tourists, especially domestic tourists. Close to Malioboro shopping center. Weakness Hotel in Malioboro I explain diartikel 5 Reasons We Do not Choose Hotels in Malioboro Jogja Hotels in Prawirotaman more known by Foreign Tourists compared with Foreign Traveler compared with domestic tourists. So in Prawirotaman more foreign tourists, and that's why Prawirotaman referred to as "Kampung Turis", because the atmosphere here is more dominant people - Caucasians (especially backpacker). The price is cheaper compared to Hotels in Malioboro.

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Travel To Jogja


After all the above you do, the most important thing also do not you miss. Namely ordering transportation while in Jogja. For this, you must adjust your budget. If you want comfortable, then you should first Booking Car Rental in Jogja. Or if you want to save money, then you can book Rental Motor in Jogja. Motor Rental Price in Jogja ranges from Rp60.000 - 70.000 / unit. Usually get facilities: 2bh Helmet, Rain Jacket and Free fleet shuttle. So when you arrive at the Station / Airport, you can use the motor. As for the price of Car Rental Jogja Rp 500rb / 12 hours includes Driver and Gasoline. We have a little tips for ya transportation in Jogja. You can combine between car and motorcycle rental in Jogja. To travel within the city, then you can use a motorcycle rental Jogja only. For a long trip, you can use the car as your transportation. Distant attractions such as: Pindul Cave, Indrayanti Beach / Kukup / Sepanjang (Beach in the East of Jogja) and Borobudur / Candi Temple Mendut or Rafting River.

So Happy Traveling,,,


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